1    //Quizzer
2    let q1 = {
3      question: "What planet has humans?",
4      answer: "Earth"
5    };
6    let q2 = {
7      question: "What is 13 times 3?",
8      answer: "39"
9    };
10   let q3 = {
11     question: "Who was the first President?",
12     answer: "George Washington"
13   };
14   let q4 = {
15     question: "What has an orbit of 27 days?",
16     answer: "moon"
17   };
18   let q5 = {
19     question: "True or false. You’re learning JavaScript.",
20     answer: "true"
21   };
22   let questions = [q1, q2, q3, q4, q5];
23   let score = 0;
24   let numQuestions = questions.length;
25   for (let i = 0; i < numQuestions; i++)
26   {
28     let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * questions.length);
29     let pickedQuestion = questions[index];
30     questions.splice(index, 1);
31     let playerAnswer = prompt(pickedQuestion.question);
32     if (playerAnswer === pickedQuestion.answer)
33     {
34       alert("Correct!");
35       score++;
36     }
37     else
38     {
39       alert("No, the answer was " + pickedQuestion.answer);
40     }
41   }
43   let percent = score / numQuestions * 100;
44   alert("Score: " + score + " Max: " + numQuestions +
45         " Percent Correct: " + percent + "%");
46   if (percent > 65)
47   {
48     alert("Nice work!");
49   }
50   else
51   {
52     alert("Keep trying!");
53   }