1    let adjective1 = prompt("Give me an adjective.");
2    let noun1 = prompt("Give me a noun.");
3    let noun2 = prompt("Give me another noun.");
4    let adjective2 = prompt("Give me another adjective.");
5    let shape1 = prompt("Give me a shape.");
6    let place1 = prompt("Give me a place.");
8    let song = "Twinkle, twinkle, " + adjective1;
9    song += " " + noun1 + ", ";
10   song += "how I wonder what you are. ";
11   song += "Up above the " + noun2 + " so ";
12   song += adjective2;
13   song += ", like a " + shape1 + " in the " + place1;
14   song += ". Twinkle, twinkle, " + adjective1 + " ";
15   song += noun1 + ", how I wonder what you are.";
17   alert(song);