1    <!DOCTYPE html> 
2    <html lang="en"> 
3    <head> 
4      <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
5      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> 
6      <title>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</title> 
8      <link href="/index.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> 
9      <link href="/roomadventure/rooms.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> 
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14     <div class="imgfloater max150px"><img src="/images/SergeiStudious.png"></div> 
15     <h1>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</h1> 
17     <h2>Updating Color Schemes Dynamically</h2> 
18     <h4>Difficulty: &#9733;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;</h4> 
19     <h4><em>Requirement: HTML upgrade</em></h4> 
21     <div class="flex-container"> 
22       <div> 
24         <!--Explanation--> 
25         <p>We have a user interface with a certain color scheme. Well, what if we adjusted the colors as the player plays 
26           the game? We could pick colors from each room image we're using and incorporate it into the UI. If a player 
27           earns points, we could show a certain color, or a different color if they lose points, and so on.</p> 
28         <p>The problem we face is how complex we want to make the colorization. How many elements will we update? How many 
29           colors will be used for each update?</p> 
31         <h2>What we need to do</h2> 
32         <ul> 
33           <li>Build a function that handles the color changes.</li> 
34           <li>Use a default color when no color is given.</li> 
35           <li>Add color properties to rooms where we want them.</li> 
36           <li>Add a call to the color function when the player moves into a room.</li> 
37           <li>Optionally add color updates for other actions, like earning or losing points.</li> 
38         </ul> 
39       </div> 
40       <div class="imgwrapper"> 
41         <br> 
42         <!--Screenshot--> 
43         <img src="/roomadventure/screenimages/colorchange02.png"> 
44       </div> 
45     </div> 
47     <h2>Step 1: Set boundaries</h2> 
48     <p>This could get really out of hand, depending on how detailed we want to be. Think about all the different sections 
49       we have on our screen. It may not look like there's a lot, but there is. Here's a list. (Don't freak out.)</p> 
51     <div class="flex-container"> 
52       <div><h3>HTML Tags</h3> 
53         <ul> 
54           <li>body (the webpage itself)</li> 
55           <li>table (the structure holding our game)</li> 
56           <li>td (table cell)</li> 
57           <li>h1 (main heading)</li> 
58           <li>h3 (smaller heading)</li> 
59           <li>button (and these have separate formats)</li> 
60           <li>img (room image)</li> 
61           <li>a (hyperlink anchor in the caption)</li> 
62         </ul> 
63       </div> 
66       <div><h3>Style Classes</h3> 
67         <ul> 
68           <li>.text (for most of the cells with text in them)</li> 
69           <li>.item (for the "take an item" button)</li> 
70           <li>.inventory (for the inventory buttons)</li> 
71           <li>.even (for the even numbered navigation and passcode buttons)</li> 
72           <li>.odd (for the odd numbered navigation and passcode buttons)</li> 
73           <li>.hide (for the backspace and clear buttons)</li> 
74           <li>.show (for the backspace and clear buttons)</li> 
75         </ul> 
76       </div> 
78       <div><h3>Element Ids</h3> 
79         <ul> 
80           <li>#interface (surrounds the whole game)</li> 
81           <li>#gameTitle (the game's title)</li> 
82           <li>#info (the game information box)</li> 
83           <li>#description (for room descriptions)</li> 
84           <li>#broken (for showing the broken things and other info)</li> 
85           <li>#found (showing found items and other info)</li> 
86           <li>#score (where we show the player's point total)</li> 
87           <li>#navigation (where we show the navigation, passcode, start, and replay (etc.) buttons)</li> 
88           <li>#imagewrapper (which helps control the room image display)</li> 
89           <li>#caption (to show the image's caption info, if you're using it)</li> 
90           <li>#inventory (to format the inventory box itself, not the buttons)</li> 
91           <li>And individual buttons: #start, #replay, #leave, #exit, #passcode, #backspace, #clear, #playerName, 
92             #hintButton 
93           </li> 
94         </ul> 
95       </div> 
96     </div> 
98     <div class="imgfloater"><img src="/images/LeenaConfused.png"></div> 
99     <p>See? It's a lot! And those are just the ones we have from the features in the book and from what's on the website 
100      at the time I'm creating this particular page! Who knows what else has been added since?</p> 
102    <p>If we really wanted to control for all of these things, we sure could. But it would take a lot of setup to do.</p> 
104    <p>Instead, we're going to only change <em>two things</em> in this feature here, because we're narrowing things down. 
105      We are going to change the <strong>border color of the interface</strong> and the <strong>text color of the game 
106        title</strong>. If you want to do more, you certainly can!</p> 
108    <h2>Step 2: Creating our updateColors function</h2> 
109    <p>Because we're keeping things simple here, this function won't be too crazy. But I like to make sure our code won't 
110      run into any unexpected errors, so I want to check for and control for certain things.</p> 
111    <p>To use this function, we'll need to pass in the color we want to use. We'll use it for both the title's text color 
112      and the border of the interface. If no color is sent in, then we want to use a default color.</p> 
113    <p>Let's check out the function and I'll explain the rest of it after.</p> 
115    <div class="code"> 
116      <ul> 
117        <li><span class="keyword">function</span> <span class="function">updateColors</span>(color)</li> 
118        <li>{ 
119          <ul> 
120            <li><span class="comment">//if no color is sent in (undefined) then use a default</span></li> 
121            <li>color = color || <span class="string">"orange"</span>;</li> 
122            <li>&nbsp;</li> 
123            <li><span class="keyword">var</span> <span class="object">gameInterface</span> = <span 
124                class="object">document</span>.<span class="function">getElementById</span>(<span class="string">"interface"</span>); 
125            </li> 
126            <li><span class="keyword">var</span> <span class="object">gameTitle</span> = <span 
127                class="object">document</span>.<span class="function">getElementById</span>(<span class="string">"gameTitle"</span>); 
128            </li> 
129            <li>&nbsp;</li> 
130            <li><span class="keyword">if</span> (gameInterface)</li> 
131            <li>{ 
132              <ul> 
133                <li><span class="object">gameInterface</span>.<span class="property">style</span>.<span class="property">borderColor</span> 
134                  = color; 
135                </li> 
136              </ul> 
137            </li> 
138            <li>}</li> 
139            <li>&nbsp;</li> 
140            <li><span class="keyword">if</span> (gameTitle)</li> 
141            <li>{ 
142              <ul> 
143                <li><span class="object">gameTitle</span>.<span class="property">style</span>.<span 
144                    class="property">color</span> = color; 
145                </li> 
146              </ul> 
147            </li> 
148            <li>}</li> 
149          </ul> 
150        </li> 
151        <li>}</li> 
152      </ul> 
153    </div> 
155    <h3>Code breakdown</h3> 
156    <p>Let's talk a little about this code, or you can <a href="#skip">jump down to the next step</a>.</p> 
158    <h4>Setting the default value</h4> 
159    <p>Right at the top, there's something that may look really weird. It's a JavaScript shortcut.</p> 
161    <div class="code"> 
162      <ul> 
163        <li>color = color || <span class="string">"orange"</span>;</li> 
164      </ul> 
165    </div> 
167    <p>On the right of the <code>=</code> sign is where the magic happens. When we call this function, we are supposed to 
168      send in a color for the parameter. We're going to add these to our rooms in a little bit.</p> 
169    <p>Remember your logical operators? The OR operator <code>||</code> evaluates one expression at a time from left to 
170      right until it hits something that is <span class="keyword">true</span>. As soon as it hits something <span 
171          class="keyword">true</span>, it stops checking.</p> 
173    <p>Remember when you're testing if something is <span class="keyword">true</span>? Any string that has a value is 
174      considered to be <span class="keyword">true</span>. So if we did pass in a color, then this line says to just use 
175      that <code>color</code> parameter.</p> 
177    <p>However, if we <em>don't</em> send in a color, then the <code>color</code> parameter would be <span 
178        class="keyword">undefined</span>. In that case, the <code>color</code> part of the OR condition is <span 
179        class="keyword">false</span> so the computer moves to the right and sends back our default color, which for me is 
180      <span class="string">"orange"</span>. Whew.</p> 
181    <p>I said this was a shortcut. What's it a shortcut for? Well, you could replace that line with this instead.</p> 
183     <div class="code"> 
184      <ul> 
185        <li><span class="keyword">if</span> (!color)</li> 
186        <li>{ 
187          <ul> 
188            <li>color = <span class="string">"orange"</span>;</li> 
189          </ul> 
190        </li> 
191      </ul> 
192    </div> 
193    <p>Is that more readable to you? You can use that version instead if you like.</p> 
195    <h4>Picking and checking the elements we're changing</h4> 
196    <p>The <span class="object">document</span> lines should look familiar from when we set up the big <span 
197        class="object">display</span> object. That's how we use each element's <code>id</code> to find it and use it.</p> 
199    <p>Then I'm being overcautious. I'm checking to make sure that both of those elements exist before trying to change 
200      their styles. Why? Just in case we change something in the UI at some point. We don't want our game crashing here. 
201      Or we could leave those checks out, let the game crash, and then backtrack to troubleshoot <em>why</em> it's 
202      crashing. Sometimes that's a good option too.</p> 
204    <h4>Setting the new styles</h4> 
205    <p>When we use JavaScript to change CSS styles, we have to make sure we are using the <span 
206        class="property">style</span> property of the element we're changing.</p> 
208    <p>But on top of that, we have to select the individual style property we want to update too. We chain the properties 
209      together to do this.</p> 
211    <p>But there's a major difference in some CSS property names versus JavaScript names. Did you notice? In CSS, we use 
212      attributes like <code>background-color</code>, <code>border-radius</code>, and <code>font-size</code>.</p> 
214    <p>But these won't work in JavaScript because of the hyphen (minus sign). They don't follow the <a 
215        href="/javascripttutorial/punctuation.html">naming and punctuation</a> rules of JavaScript. So any name that has 
216      those hyphens in it has to be converted to camelCase. Therefore, <code>background-color</code> in CSS would become 
217      <code>backgroundColor</code> when used in JavaScript code. We could use <code>borderRadius</code>, 
218      <code>fontSize</code>, and so on.</p> 
220    <p>We're only changing the <code>borderColor</code> of our interface and the font <code>color</code> of the title. We 
221      could certainly do a lot more, but let's just get our feet wet here.</p> 
223    <h2 id="skip">Step 3: Updating moveToRoom</h2> 
224    <p>We have our function. Now we have to call it. You remember that process, right?</p> 
225    <p>At the top of our <span class="function">moveToRoom</span> function, we have a number of function calls. Depending 
226      on what features you've added, that may be all that's in there. Go to the end of that section, right after we 
227      display the score and the inventory. That's where we're going to call the new function.</p> 
229    <div class="imgfloater"><img src="/roomadventure/screenimages/colorchange03.png"></div> 
230    <div class="code"> 
231      <ul> 
232        <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">score</span>();</li> 
233        <li><span class="function">showInventory</span>();</li> 
234        <li><strong><span class="function">updateColors</span>(<span class="object">player</span>.<span class="object">currentRoom</span>.<span 
235            class="property">color</span>);</strong></li> 
236      </ul> 
237    </div> 
239    <p>Why are we putting it at the end? Some of our interface elements, like the buttons and so on, are created 
240      dynamically. If we later added new styling for the inventory buttons, let's say, then we wouldn't see those changes 
241      if we tried to change the colors before the buttons are created. This helps to make sure everything is on the screen 
242      before we try to modify any of it.</p> 
244    <h2>Step 4: Updating other functions</h2> 
245    <p>While you're in the mindset of updating functions, why not take a run through your code an add other colors 
246      elsewhere? If you don't want to do that now, you can do it at any time. In that case, <a href="#skip2">jump to the 
247        next step</a> and start adding color properties to your rooms.</p> 
248    <p>The way we wrote our function, we don't need anything special to change a color. We can just call the function and 
249      send in the name of the color we want to use, or even a hex value for a color.</p> 
251    <p>I want the border and title to turn <code>red</code> whenever the player loses points. So anywhere I have 
252      <code><span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">score</span> -=</code> I know I'm about to take 
253      points away, no matter what's after the <code>-=</code>. Instead of combing through all the lines of code, I used 
254      the <em>find</em> feature that's pretty standard on all computers. Press <kbd><kbd class="key">Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd 
255          class="key">F</kbd></kbd> and that usually gives you a dialogue box on your screen somewhere that will let you 
256      search. I actually only searched for <code>-=</code> in this case. But because I broke my JavaScript into several 
257      files, I had to search them all to make sure I didn't miss anything.</p> 
259    <p>Right after any line of code where a player lost points, I called our new function and sent in the color <span 
260        class="string">"red"</span>.</p> 
262    <h4>For example</h4> 
263    <p>In my <span class="function">fixBrokenThing</span> function, if the player uses the wrong item in a room, they lose 
264      15 points. So, I want to change the color there.</p> 
266    <div class="code"> 
267      <ul> 
268        <li><span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">score</span> -= 15;</li> 
269        <li><strong><span class="function">updateColors</span>(<span class="string">"red"</span>);</strong></li> 
270      </ul> 
271    </div> 
273    <p>I also made used the red color if the player is tired and can't fix something, or if the player tries to fix 
274      something in a room that doesn't have anything broken in it. Also, if they get the passcode wrong, that's 
275      red-border-worthy too. I opted not to use the red border if the player buys a hint, because they're doing that by 
276      choice.</p> 
278    <p>Then I used <code>darkgreen</code> to update the screen when the player earned points or won the game. For this I 
279      did a search for <code>score +=</code>, with the word <em>score</em> because we have a lot of text strings that use 
280      <code>+=</code>. It was as simple as adding <code><span class="function">updateColors</span>(<span class="string">"darkgreen"</span>);</code>. 
281    </p> 
283    <p>Just so you know, if you want to use a very specific shade of a color, you certainly can. You can pass in a hex 
284      code as your color. I use one for a darker shade of <code>slateblue</code> and its code is <code>#2f2475</code>. 
285      Just send it in like anything else: <code><span class="function">updateColors</span>(<span 
286          class="string">"#2f2475"</span>);</code> but make sure you include the number sign (hashtag <code>#</code>) in 
287      front.</p> 
290    <h2 id="skip2">Step 5: Adding a color property to your rooms</h2> 
291    <p>Time for the very last step. Let's give our rooms a <span class="property">color</span> property.</p> 
293    <p>This part's super easy, right? You know what to do? You already know the name of the property that's being called, 
294      right? And how to add it to a room? Cool, go for it!</p> 
296    <p>And if you'd like a refresher... Go into your <span class="function">getRooms</span> function. Scroll down to your 
297      first room (or whatever room you want to give a color to). For simplicity, insert a line after the <span 
298          class="property">name</span> line and put the new property there. If you have an image for your room, then I'd 
299      suggest using a main color from that room to add a nice accent to the UI to tie it all in together, but of course, 
300      do as you like!</p> 
302    <h4>Example</h4> 
303    <div class="code"> 
304      <ul> 
305        <li><span class="keyword">var</span> <span class="object">livingRoom</span> =</li> 
306        <li>{ 
307          <ul> 
308            <li><span class="property">name</span>: <span class="string">"living room"</span>, 
309            <li><strong><span class="property">color</span>: <span class="string">"lightgoldenrodyellow"</span>,</strong> 
310            </li> 
311            <li><span class="comment">//all the rest of the properties continue below...</span></li> 
312          </ul> 
313        </li> 
314      </ul> 
315    </div> 
317    <p>Don't forget to play the game and see how your colors are working out. Maybe you want to add more <code>px</code> 
318      to the <code>#interface</code> border so you see the color more. Or maybe you want to change the background color 
319      instead. You can figure out how to do that, right? It goes back to the <span class="function">updateColors</span> 
320      function and using the <span class="property">style</span> property.</p> 
323    <h2>Have a colorful day!</h2> 
324    <h2>&mdash;Dr. Wolf</h2> 
326    <div id="prevnext"></div> 
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329  <script src="/navigator.js"></script> 
330  <script>begin("roomadventure");</script> 
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