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6      <title>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</title> 
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15     <h1>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</h1> 
17     <h2>Make sure items are not found in the rooms they're needed in</h2> 
18     <h4>Difficulty: &#9733;&#9733;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;</h4> 
19     <h4><em>Requirement: randomizeItems function</em></h4> 
21     <div class="flex-container"> 
22       <div> 
24         <!--Explanation--> 
25         <p>When randomizing items, it's possible for the computer to put <code>fixWith</code> items inside the room that 
26           needs it for its <code>brokenThing</code>. This isn't much fun, and it happens more often the fewer rooms you 
27           have.</p> 
29         <p>Let's make some tweaks to the <span class="function">randomizeItems</span> function to keep this from 
30           happening.</p> 
32         <p>We're going to use a <em>brute force</em> method to fix this problem. The computer's going to keep shuffling 
33           the items over and over until everything is scattered properly. Unless you have thousands of rooms, or few rooms 
34           with lots of repeat items, this should work just fine.</p> 
36         <h2>What we need to do</h2> 
37         <ul> 
38           <li>Create a loop for the computer to check if any <code>itemFound</code> items are inside rooms with a matching 
39             <code>fixWith</code>. 
40           </li> 
41           <li>If so, that's no good.</li> 
42           <li>Repeat the loop and randomize the locations again if needed.</li> 
43         </ul> 
44       </div> 
45       <div class="imgwrapper"> 
46         <br> 
47         <!--Screenshot--> 
48         <img src="/roomadventure/screenimages/shuffleitems.png"> 
49       </div> 
50     </div> 
52     <h2>Step 1: Go inside the randomizeItems functions</h2> 
53     <p>All of our work will be inside the <span class="function">randomizeItems</span> function, so go there.</p> 
55     <p>We have two <code></code> loops, one that makes a list of items and then one that shuffles them. Find the 
56       space between these loops.</p> 
58     <p><strong>Note:</strong> If you added the feature that allows you to keep certain items from being shuffled, then you 
59       already have another loop where I'm telling you to look. The new code you're adding here would go below that.</p> 
61     <div class="code"> 
62       <ul> 
63         <li> 
64           <ul> 
65             <li> 
66               <ul> 
67                 <li>items.<span class="function">push</span>(<span class="object">room</span>.<span 
68                     class="property">fixWith</span>); 
69                 </li> 
70               </ul> 
71             </li> 
72             <li>}</li> 
73             <li><span class="comment">//if you added the optional feature to prevent certain items from being moved, then 
74               you have another loop here</span></li> 
75             <li>&nbsp;</li> 
76             <li><strong><span class="comment">//this is were we're starting to add some code</span></strong></li> 
77             <li>&nbsp;</li> 
78             <li><span class="keyword">for</span> (<span class="keyword">var</span> rooms <span class="keyword">in</span> 
79               <span class="object">availableRooms</span>) 
80             </li> 
81           </ul> 
82         </li> 
83       </ul> 
84     </div> 
86     <h2>Step 2: Initializing the variables</h2> 
87     <p>We need to create two variables in order for this to work. We're declaring them outside the loop so they're 
88       recreated over and over.</p> 
90     <p>These go in the spot noted in the code above.</p> 
92     <div class="code"> 
93       <ul> 
94         <li> 
95           <ul> 
96             <li><span class="keyword">var</span> itemsCopy = items.<span class="function">slice</span>();</li> 
97             <li><span class="keyword">var</span> stillShuffling;</li> 
98             <li></li> 
99           </ul> 
100        </li> 
101      </ul> 
102    </div> 
104    <h2>Step 3: Begin the loop</h2> 
106    <p>We don't know how many times the shuffling will have to happen, so a <span class="keyword">while</span> loop makes 
107      the most sense here. However, we want to make sure the items get shuffled at least once. For this, we're using a 
108      variation, the <code>do...while</code> loop.</p> 
110    <p>We're going to be wrapping our randomizing part of the function in the loop.</p> 
112    <p>Right under the variable declarations you just created, add these lines.</p> 
114    <div class="code"> 
115      <ul> 
116        <li> 
117          <ul> 
118            <li><span class="keyword">do</span></li> 
119            <li>{ 
120              <ul> 
121                <li><span class="comment">//restore the original <em>items</em> array each time through the loop</span> 
122                </li> 
123                <li>items = itemsCopy.<span class="function">slice</span>();</li> 
124                <li>stillShuffling = <span class="keyword">false</span>;</li> 
125              </ul> 
126            </li> 
127          </ul> 
128        </li> 
129      </ul> 
130    </div> 
132    <p>First, we need to make a copy of the <code>items</code> array. We may need to be changing it over and over, so we 
133      have to keep the original copy intact. Because we have the <code>items</code> array referred to several times in the 
134      loop below, we're making things easier on ourselves. We're making a copy of the original <code>items</code> array 
135      and we'll restore it every time so we don't have to update all the <code>items</code> uses to <code>itemsCopy</code>. 
136    </p> 
138    <p>We will also need a flag variable for our loop. We're going to first assume that everything is shuffled perfectly. 
139      But during the loop, we're going to check to see if there's a problem, and if so, then we're going to change that 
140      flag so it randomizes everything again.</p> 
142    <p>We use <code>items.<span class="function">slice</span>()</code> to make a shallow copy of an array. We only have 
143      strings in there so it's no problem. If we had objects inside, we'd have to do this differently. The <span 
144          class="function">slice</span> method does not change the original array, so <code>items</code> stays just the 
145      way it is.</p> 
147    <p>This isn't the only use of <span class="function">slice</span>, just a convenient one. For more info on <span 
148        class="function">slice</span>, check out the <a href="/javascripttutorial/array_spliceslice.html">JavaScript 
149      tutorial.</a></p> 
151    <p>As for our <code>stillShuffling</code> flag, it says, "Nope, we are not still shuffling, so move on!" But... when 
152      we're checking items, if we find that something is where it doesn't belong, then this will change and say, "Oh, 
153      yeah, we have to shuffle again!" Ok, ok, it doesn't literally say those things, but that's how it works.</p> 
154    <p>We are resetting these two variables each time the loop runs, so it's a fresh start.</p> 
157    <h2>Step 4: See if the <code>itemFound</code> matches the <code>fixWith</code> for the room.</h2> 
158    <p>When an item is randomly picked for a room, if it's the item needed for that room, then let's reshuffle 
159      everything.</p> 
161    <p>Why don't we just pick another item randomly instead of reshuffling everything? As items get placed, there are 
162      fewer to choose from. What if the last item to pick belongs to the last room that needs an item? We'd end in an 
163      infinite loop scenario. Shuffling from the beginning will help prevent this.</p> 
165    <p>This part goes inside the <span class="keyword">for</span> loop that's already there, right after the random <code>index</code> 
166      is chosen. Look for this line and then add the others.</p> 
168    <div class="code"> 
169      <ul> 
170        <li> 
171          <ul> 
172            <li><span class="comment">//this is the line you're looking for</span></li> 
173            <li><span class="keyword">var</span> index = <span class="object">Math</span>.<span 
174                class="function">floor</span>(<span class="object">Math</span>.<span class="function">random</span>() * 
175              items.<span class="property">length</span>); 
176            </li> 
177            <li>&nbsp;</li> 
178            <li><span class="comment">//add these</span></li> 
179            <li><span class="keyword">if</span> (items[index] === <span class="object">availableRooms</span>[<span 
180                class="property">roomName</span>].<span class="property">fixWith</span>) 
181            </li> 
182            <li>{ 
183              <ul> 
184                <li>stillShuffling = <span class="keyword">true</span>;</li> 
185                <li><span class="keyword">break</span>;</li> 
186              </ul> 
187            </li> 
188            <li>}</li> 
189          </ul> 
190        </li> 
191      </ul> 
192    </div> 
194    <p>Can you make sense of the <span class="keyword">if</span> statement? It's a little heavy, isn't it? First we're 
195      finding the item we're looking at from <code>items[index]</code>. Each time through the loop, a new room is 
196      picked, so the item is compared to that room's <code>fixWith</code> item. If they match, then we have a problem. 
197      We'd be putting batteries, let's say, in the room that needs the batteries. If this happens, we flip our 
198      <code>stillShuffling</code> switch to tell the computer we need to shuffle again.</p> 
200    <p>We're using the <span class="keyword">break</span> command to exit the <span class="function">for</span> loop 
201      because there's no need to set all the other items if we have one that's already messed up.</p> 
203    <h4>Want to test it?</h4> 
204    <p>By the way, if you want to see if it's working, you can have the computer report to the console (or a popup) to let 
205      you know. To do this, just add a line like this right before the <span class="keyword">break</span> statement. </p> 
207    <p>If you use the console, you'll need to open developer tools when you run the program. (Try pressing <kbd 
208        class="key">F12</kbd>.) It may shuffle perfectly on the first try, so you might not see your warning until you run 
209      it a couple times.</p> 
211    <div class="code"> 
212      <ul> 
213        <li><span class="object">console</span>.<span class="function">log</span>(<span class="string">"I had to shuffle 
214          items again!"</span>); 
215        </li> 
216      </ul> 
217    </div> 
220    <h2>Step 5: Closing the loop</h2> 
221    <p>All that's left is to close the <code>do...while</code> loop. Go down to the very bottom of the function, right 
222      before the very last brace. You may have three braces in a row down there, so this goes between the last two.</p> 
224    <div class="code"> 
225      <ul> 
226        <li> 
227          <ul> 
228            <li>} <span class="keyword">while</span> (stillShuffling);</li> 
229          </ul> 
230        </li> 
231        <li>&nbsp;</li> 
232        <li><span class="comment">//then the closing brace for the function is already there:</span></li> 
233        <li>}</li> 
234      </ul> 
235    </div> 
237    <p>Now you won't find what you need inside the room you need it in.</p> 
239    <h2>Now, where did I leave my keys...?</h2> 
240    <h2>&mdash;Dr. Wolf</h2> 
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