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6      <title>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</title> 
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15     <h1>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</h1> 
17     <h2>Leave passcode entry without a penalty</h2> 
18     <h4>Difficulty: &#9733;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;</h4> 
19     <h4><em>Requirement: Passcode Ending</em></h4> 
21     <div class="flex-container"> 
22       <div> 
23         <!--Explanation--> 
24         <p>When the player is asked to enter the passcode, they may not know what to enter, or they may know they're not 
25           ready to. In this case, the player would want to exit out without even trying to enter anything.</p> 
27         <p>Right now, our game gives the player a penalty for leaving the passcode screen for any reason unless they gave 
28           a correct answer. Let's fix this so the player can walk away if they want to without losing points.</p> 
30         <h2>What we need to do</h2> 
31         <ul> 
32           <li>Update the passcode screen to tell the player they can walk away.</li> 
33           <li>Add a check for a blank passcode entry and skip the penalty.</li> 
34         </ul> 
35       </div> 
36       <div class="imgwrapper"> 
37         <br> 
38         <!--Screenshot--> 
39         <img src="/roomadventure/screenimages/passcodeleave.png"></div> 
40       </div> 
43     <h2></h2> 
44     <p>What if the player accidentally went to the passcode panel? What if they want to leave it without trying to punch 
45       anything in? As we are right now, they get a penalty for not having a correct passcode. An empty passcode is 
46       considered incorrect, so they get a penalty.</p> 
48     <p>Do you want to allow the player to walk away from the passcode panel without a penalty? If so, we have to fix 
49       something.</p> 
51     <p>Scroll to the section that best fits your code.</p> 
53     <hr> 
54     <h2>HTML version: Without the passcode hints</h2> 
55     <p>First, we should tell the player they have the option of walking away.</p> 
57     <h4>Step 1: Telling the player</h4> 
58     <p>Go to your <span class="function">enterPasscode</span> function. At the top, we start a text string asking for the 
59       password.</p> 
61     <div class="code"> 
62       <ul> 
63         <li><span class="keyword">var</span> text = <span class="string">"Enter the correct passcode to exit the 
64           house."</span>; 
65         </li> 
66       </ul> 
67     </div> 
69     <p>Add to the string so it's something like this.</p> 
70     <div class="code"> 
71       <ul> 
72         <li><span class="keyword">var</span> text = <span class="string">"Enter the correct passcode to exit the 
73           house."</span>; 
74         </li> 
75         <li><strong>text += <span class="string">"&lt;br&gt;&lt;em&gt;(Leave the passcode blank and press Try Passcode to walk 
76           away.)&lt;/em&gt;"</span>;</strong></li> 
77       </ul> 
78     </div> 
81     <h4 id="step2">Step 2: Checking for a blank passcode entry</h4> 
83     <p>Now we have to check for an empty string and then skip the penalty. Go to the <span 
84         class="function">checkPassword</span> function.</p> 
86     <p>We have an <span class="keyword">if</span> check to see if the player got the passcode correct. If not, they 
87       immediately lose points in the following <span class="keyword">else</span> block. You know what we need to do, 
88       right? 
89     </p> 
90     <p>We need to insert an <span class="keyword">else if</span> check for the empty string.</p> 
92     <div class="code"> 
93       <ul> 
94         <li><span class="comment">//this section is already there... look down a few lines</span></li> 
95         <li><span class="keyword">if</span> (<span class="object">player</span>.<span 
96             class="property">guessPasscode</span> === <span class="object">passcode</span>.<span 
97             class="property">exitCode</span>) 
98         </li> 
99         <li>{ 
100          <ul> 
101            <li><span class="comment">//this handles a correct answer</span></li> 
102          </ul> 
103        </li> 
104        <li>}</li> 
105        <li>&nbsp;</li> 
106        <li><strong><span class="comment">//***this part's new***</span></strong></li> 
107        <li><strong><span class="keyword">else if</span> (<span class="object">player</span>.<span 
108            class="property">guessPasscode</span> === <span class="string">""</span>)</strong> 
109        </li> 
110        <li><strong>{</strong> 
111          <ul> 
112            <li><span class="function">moveToRoom</span>();</li> 
113          </ul> 
114        </li> 
115        <li><strong>}</strong></li> 
116        <li>&nbsp;</li> 
117        <li><span class="comment">//the rest of function is already below</span></li> 
118        <li><span class="keyword">else</span></li> 
119        <li>{ 
120          <ul> 
121            <li><span class="comment">//give penalty</span></li> 
122          </ul> 
123        </li> 
124        <li>}</li> 
125      </ul> 
126    </div> 
128    <h4>Option 1: Don't tell the player they walked away</h4> 
129    <p>When the player clicks on the Try Passcode button with a blank entry, this will clear off the passcode interface 
130      and put the player back into the current room without any penalty. If you're happy with that, then you're done!</p> 
132    <h4 id="dotell">Option 2: Tell the player they walked away</h4> 
133    <p>If you want to tell the player they walked away from the passcode panel, then you'll need to make a button like the 
134      penalty button. Instead of the <code><span class="function">moveToRoom</span>();</code> line above, replace it with 
135      something like this.</p> 
137    <div class="code"> 
138      <ul> 
139        <li><span class="keyword">var</span> text = <span class="string">"&lt;h3&gt;You stepped away from the passcode 
140          panel.&lt;/h3&gt;"</span>; 
141        </li> 
142        <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">clear</span>();</li> 
143        <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">found</span>(text);</li> 
144        <li>&nbsp;</li> 
145        <li><span class="keyword">var</span> button = <span class="string">"&lt;button class='text' onclick='<span 
146            class="function">moveToRoom</span>()'&gt;OK&lt;/button&gt;"</span>; 
147        </li> 
148        <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">navigation</span>(button);</li> 
149        <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">image</span>(<span 
150            class="object">houseImages</span>.<span class="property">exitSign</span>); 
151        </li> 
152      </ul> 
153    </div> 
155    <p>And that's it. Feature updated!</p> 
157    <hr> 
158    <h2>HTML version: With the passcode hints</h2> 
159    <p>We have to make edits to two functions to get this to work. But they're pretty minor.</p> 
161    <h4>Step 1: Telling the player</h4> 
162    <p>Go to the <span class="function">getPasscodeHint</span> function we created for offering hints. We have two options 
163      for fixing the text. We can put the explanation at the top of the text block or at the bottom.</p> 
165    <h4>Easy fix: Explanation at the top</h4> 
166    <p>At the very top of the function, we start an empty text string. Just add the information there.</p> 
168    <div class="code"> 
169      <ul> 
170        <li><span class="keyword">var</span> text = <span class="string">"&lt;br&gt;&lt;em&gt;(Leave the passcode blank and press 
171          Try Passcode to walk away.)&lt;/em&gt;"</span>; 
172        </li> 
173      </ul> 
174    </div> 
176    <p>We still need to check to see if the player left the passcode blank. That part's the same as above in the section 
177      without the hints. 
178      <br> 
179      <a href="#step2">Jump up to step 2 in the previous section.</a></p> 
181    <h4>Longer fix: Explanation at the bottom</h4> 
182    <p>To put the explanation at the bottom, you have to change the places where we ask for the passcode and put the 
183      explanation there. We have one at the top of the <span class="function">getPasscodeHint</span> function inside the 
184      check for a penalty and inside the code block where the player does not have enough points for a hint. </p> 
186    <p>There's only one line to add here...</p> 
187    <div class="code"> 
188      <ul> 
189        <li></li> 
190        <li><span class="if"> (<span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">score</span> < penalty)</span> 
191        </li> 
192        <li>{ 
193          <ul> 
194            <li> 
195            <li>text += <span class="string">"Sorry, you don't have enough points to buy a hint."</span>;</li> 
196            <li>text += <span class="string">"&lt;p&gt;Enter the passcode.&lt;/p&gt;"</span>;</li> 
197            <li>&nbsp;</li> 
198            <li><span class="comment">//add this line</span></li> 
199            <li><strong>text += <span class="string">"&lt;em&gt;(Leave the passcode blank and press Try Passcode to walk 
200              away.)&lt;/em&gt;"</span>;</strong></li> 
201            <li>&nbsp;</li> 
202            <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">broken</span>(text);</li> 
203            <li><span class="keyword">return</span>;</li> 
204          </ul> 
205        </li> 
206        <li>}</li> 
207      </ul> 
208    </div> 
210    <p>And at the bottom of the function...</p> 
212    <div class="code"> 
213      <ul> 
214        <li>hint += <span class="string">"&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Enter the passcode.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;"</span>; 
215        </li> 
216        <li>text += hint;</li> 
217        <li>&nbsp;</li> 
218        <li><span class="comment">//add this line</span></li> 
219        <li><strong>text += <span class="string">"&lt;em&gt;(Leave the passcode blank and press Try Passcode to walk 
220          away.)&lt;/em&gt;"</span>;</strong></li> 
221        <li>&nbsp;</li> 
222        <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">broken</span>(text);</li> 
223      </ul> 
224    </div> 
226    <p>We still need to check to see if the player left the passcode blank. That part's the same as above in the section 
227      without the hints. 
228      <br> 
229      <a href="#step2">Jump up to step 2 in the previous section.</a></p> 
232    <h2>Now you can leave... er, wait! Don't go!</h2> 
233    <h2>&mdash;Dr. Wolf</h2> 
235    <div id="prevnext"></div> 
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238  <script>begin("roomadventure");</script> 
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