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6      <title>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</title> 
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15     <h1>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</h1> 
17     <h2>Allow Player to Delete a Digit or Clear the Guess</h2> 
18     <h4>Difficulty: &#9733;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;</h4> 
19     <h4>Requirement: Passcode Ending</h4> 
21     <div class="flex-container"> 
22       <div> 
23         <p>Sometimes when you punch in a passcode, you might make a mistake and hit something by accident. Let's give the 
24           player a helping hand and let them clear a digit or reset their guess completely. And we'll be nice and not give 
25           them a penalty for this.</p> 
27         <h2>What we need to do</h2> 
28         <ul> 
29           <li>Add a button to clear the currently-entered digits.</li> 
30           <li>Add a button to clear the last entered digit.</li> 
31           <li>Add helper functions to make both situations work.</li> 
32         </ul> 
33       </div> 
34       <div class="imgwrapper"> 
35         <br> 
36         <img src="/roomadventure/screenimages/passcodedeletebackspace.png"></div> 
37       </div> 
39     <h2>Step 1: Add "Clear" and "Backspace" buttons</h2> 
40     <p>Go into your <span class="function">enterPasscode</span> function. Find the section where the Try Passcode button 
41       is created. We're going to add these buttons right above that.</p> 
44     <div class="code"> 
45       <ul> 
46         <li>buttons += <span class="string">"&lt;br&gt;&lt;button <span class="property">id</span>=<span 
47             class="string">'clear'</span> <span class="property">class</span>=<span class="string">'hide'</span> <span 
48             class="property">onclick</span>='<span class="function">editPasscode</span>(<span class="keyword">this</span>.<span 
49             class="property">id</span>)'&gt; &amp;times; &lt;/button&gt;"</span>; 
50         </li> 
51         <li>buttons += <span class="string">"&lt;button <span class="property">id</span>=<span 
52             class="string">'backspace'</span> <span class="property">class</span>=<span class="string">'hide'</span> <span 
53             class="property">onclick</span>='<span class="function">editPasscode</span>(<span class="keyword">this</span>.<span 
54             class="property">id</span>)'&gt; &amp;larr; &lt;/button&gt;"</span>; 
55         </li> 
56       </ul> 
57     </div> 
59     <p>I'm using <code>&amp;times;</code> (<code>&times;</code>) for clear and <code>&amp;larr;</code> 
60       (<code>&larr;</code>) for backspace. If you'd rather use the words, go right ahead.</p> 
62     <h2>Step 2: Show the buttons when needed</h2> 
63     <p>In the <span class="function">addToPasscode</span> function, we need to display the backspace and clear buttons. We 
64       don’t need to check anything here because adding a value automatically means there is at least one number we could 
65       clear. I hope it’s ok that I’m cramming each of these into one line of code.</p> 
67     <div class="code"> 
68       <ul> 
69         <li><span class="object">document</span>.<span class="function">getElementById</span>(<span class="string">"backspace"</span>).<span 
70             class="function">setAttribute</span>(<span class="string">"class"</span>, <span class="string">"show"</span>); 
71         </li> 
72         <li><span class="object">document</span>.<span class="function">getElementById</span>(<span 
73             class="string">"clear"</span>).<span 
74             class="function">setAttribute</span>(<span class="string">"class"</span>, <span class="string">"show"</span>); 
75         </li> 
76       </ul> 
77     </div> 
79     <p>You may remember that we use <code><span class="object">document</span>.<span 
80         class="function">getElementById</span>()</code> to gain access to an element on the HTML page. In this case, we 
81       use it to find each button we created.</p> 
83     <p>When we made the buttons in the last step, we included the <code>class</code> with the button 
84       <code>class='hide'</code>. Here, we are using the <span class="function">setAttribute</span> method to change the 
85       class from <code>hide</code> to <code>show</code>.</p> 
87     <p>We do this for both of the buttons so they appear when there is at least one digit punched in for the passcode. If 
88       no digits are punched in yet, there's no reason to have a backspace or clear key, so that's why we start with them 
89       hidden.</p> 
92     <h2>Step 3: Create the <span class="function">editPasscode</span> function</h2> 
94     <p>We need a function that will handle the backspace and clear buttons. When we call the function, we send in 
95       <code><span class="keyword">this</span>.<span class="property">id</span></code> as an argument. That will tell our 
96       function which button was pressed because it sends the button's <span class="property">id</span>, which is either 
97       <span class="string">"clear"</span> or <span class="string">"backspace"</span>.</p> 
99     <p>If the player clears all the digits from the passcode they're entering, then we don't need these buttons, so we can 
100      hide them again.</p> 
102    <p>For this we do need to check the length of the <code><span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">guessPasscode</span></code> 
103      string and we have to do so after the number is cleared.</p> 
105    <p>That's a fair bit of detail, but here we go.</p> 
107    <div class="code"> 
108      <ul> 
109        <li><span class="keyword">function</span> <span class="function">editPasscode</span>(id)</li> 
110        <li>{ 
111          <ul> 
112            <li><span class="keyword">if</span> (id === <span class="string">"clear"</span>)</li> 
113            <li>{ 
114              <ul> 
115                <li><span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">guessPasscode</span> = <span 
116                    class="string">""</span>; 
117                </li> 
118              </ul> 
119            </li> 
120            <li>}</li> 
121            <li><span class="keyword">else if</span> (id === <span class="string">"backspace"</span>)</li> 
122            <li>{ 
123              <ul> 
125                <li><span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">guessPasscode</span> = <span class="object">player</span>.<span 
126                    class="property">guessPasscode</span>.<span class="function">substring</span>(0, <span class="object">player</span>.<span 
127                    class="property">guessPasscode</span>.<span class="property">length</span> - 1); 
128                </li> 
129              </ul> 
130            </li> 
131            <li>}</li> 
132            <li>&nbsp;</li> 
133            <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">broken</span>(<span class="string">"&lt;b&gt;Passcode:&lt;/b&gt; 
134              "</span> + <span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">guessPasscode</span>); 
135            </li> 
136            <li>&nbsp;</li> 
137            <li><span class="keyword">if</span> (<span class="object">player</span>.<span 
138                class="property">guessPasscode</span>.<span class="property">length</span> === 0) 
139            </li> 
140            <li>{ 
141              <ul> 
142                <li><span class="object">document</span>.<span class="function">getElementById</span>(<span 
143                    class="string">"backspace"</span>).<span class="function">setAttribute</span>(<span class="string">"class"</span>, 
144                  <span class="string">"hide"</span>); 
145                </li> 
146                <li><span class="object">document</span>.<span class="function">getElementById</span>(<span 
147                    class="string">"clear"</span>).<span class="function">setAttribute</span>(<span 
148                    class="string">"class"</span>, <span class="string">"hide"</span>); 
149                </li> 
150              </ul> 
151            </li> 
152            <li>}</li> 
153          </ul> 
154        </li> 
155        <li>}</li> 
156      </ul> 
157    </div> 
160    <h2>Step 4: Add the 'hide' and 'show' styles</h2> 
162    <p>In order for the buttons to appear and disappear, we need to give some style to the <code>hide</code> and <code>show</code> 
163      classes we're using. Right now, having them doesn't do anything.</p> 
165    <p>Switch over to your CSS file with all the other styles for the game. Create these new style rules. As with adding 
166      functions, don't put them inside any other attribute's open and close braces.</p> 
168    <p>You only need the <code>show</code> and <code>hide</code> styles, but I added some for the appearance of the 
169      buttons too. I made them the same, but you could make separate listings for each if you want them too look 
170      different.</p> 
172    <div class="code"> 
173      <ul> 
174        <li>.<span class="object">hide</span> { 
175          <ul> 
176            <li><span class="property">visibility</span>: hidden;</li> 
177          </ul> 
178        </li> 
179        <li>}</li> 
180        <li>&nbsp;</li> 
181        <li>.<span class="object">show</span> { 
182          <ul> 
183            <li><span class="property">visibility</span>: visible;</li> 
184          </ul> 
185        </li> 
186        <li>}</li> 
187        <li>&nbsp;</li> 
188        <li>#<span class="function">navigation</span> #<span class="function">backspace</span>, #<span class="function">navigation</span> 
189          #<span class="function">clear</span> { 
190          <ul> 
191            <li><span class="property">color</span>: cornsilk;</li> 
192            <li><span class="property">background-color</span>: darkred;</li> 
193            <li><span class="property">width</span>: 65px;</li> 
194            <li><span class="property">height</span>: 65px;</li> 
195            <li><span class="property">padding</span>: 5px;</li> 
196            <li><span class="property">border-radius</span>: 5px;</li> 
197            <li><span class="property">font-size</span>: 1.5em;</li> 
198          </ul> 
199        </li> 
200        <li>}</li> 
201      </ul> 
202    </div> 
204    <p>Remember, to be able to select the <code>#<span class="function">backspace</span></code> element, we have to first get inside 
205      the <code>#<span class="function">navigation</span></code> box. That's why we use <code>#<span class="function">navigation</span> 
206        #<span class="function">backspace</span></code> and <code>#<span class="function">navigation</span> #<span 
207          class="function">clear</span></code> to style those buttons.</p> 
209    <p>And that's it. You now have clear and backspace buttons.</p> 
212    <h2>Happy Coding!</h2> 
213    <h2>&mdash;Dr. Wolf</h2> 
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