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6      <title>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</title> 
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15     <h1>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</h1> 
18     <h2>Offering passcode hints</h2> 
19     <h4>Difficulty: &#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9734;&#9734;</h4> 
20     <h4><em>Requirement: Passcode Ending</em></h4> 
22     <div class="flex-container"> 
23       <div> 
24         <p>In our game, we give the player some hints when they get their passcode pieces. I used fruit names and let the 
25           player figure out they have to put them in alphabetical order. The player may not recognize this, so let's give 
26           them some help.</p> 
28         <h2>What we need to do</h2> 
29         <ul> 
30           <li>Add a button for the player to click for a hint.</li> 
31           <li>Pick a hint from a list (or only have one).</li> 
32           <li>Charge some points for the hint (optional).</li> 
33         </ul> 
34       </div> 
35       <div class="imgwrapper"> 
36         <br> 
37         <img src="/roomadventure/screenimages/hintbutton01.png"></div> 
38     </div> 
41     <h2 id="skip">Step 1: Add a hint button</h2> 
42     <p>When the passcode screen with the number pad is up, let's add a button the player can click to ask for a hint.</p> 
43     <p>I want the hint to have a 5 point cost for the player, but you can leave that out if you want to. I'm going to add 
44       that when we update the <span class="function">getPasscode</span> function a little further down, but we'll set up 
45       some of the code to handle it before then.</p> 
47     <h3>Go to the <span class="function">enterPasscode</span> function</h3> 
48     <p>Find this line of code near the bottom of the function.</p> 
50     <div class="code"> 
51       <ul> 
52         <li> 
53           buttons += <span class="string">"&lt;br&gt;&lt;button id='passcode' onclick='<span class="function">checkPasscode</span>()'>Try 
54           Passcode&lt;/button&gt;"</span>; 
55         </li> 
56       </ul> 
57     </div> 
59     <p>Where do you want your hint button? Above the Try Passcode button or below it? That determines where you're putting 
60       the next lines of code. Me? I'm putting the new button above.</p> 
62     <p>I'm also focusing on some flexible code in case we change our minds later and don't want a cost. All we'd have to 
63       do is set the cost to zero the <span class="keyword">if</span> statement will take of showing the cost or not.</p> 
65     <div class="code"> 
66       <ul> 
67         <li><span class="comment">//let's build the hint button</span></li> 
68         <li>buttons += <span class="string">"&lt;br&gt;&lt;button id='hintButton' "</span>;</li> 
69         <li>buttons += <span class="string">"onclick='<span class="function">getPasscodeHint</span>()'>"</span>; 
70         </li> 
71         <li>buttons += <span class="string">"Ask for a hint"</span>;</li> 
72         <li>&nbsp;</li> 
73         <li><span class="comment">//if there will be a cost, then let's show the player's score and the cost</span> 
74         </li> 
75         <li><span class="keyword">if</span> (<span class="object">passcode</span>.<span class="property">hintCost</span>) 
76         </li> 
77         <li>{ 
78           <ul> 
79             <li>buttons += <span class="string">"&lt;br&gt;("</span> + <span class="object">passcode</span>.<span 
80                 class="property">hintCost</span> + <span class="string">" points.)"</span>; 
81             </li> 
82             <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">score</span>();</li> 
83           </ul> 
84         </li> 
85         <li>} 
86         </li> 
87         <li>&nbsp;</li> 
88         <li><span class="comment">//this closes the hint button</span></li> 
89         <li>buttons += <span class="string">"&lt;/button&gt;"</span>;</li> 
91         <li>&nbsp;</li> 
92         <li><span class="comment">//this line is already in the code; if you want your hint button below this, then move 
93           the above code below this line</span></li> 
94         <li> 
95           buttons += <span class="string">"&lt;br&gt;&lt;button id='passcode' onclick='<span class="function">checkPasscode</span>()'>Try 
96           Passcode&lt;/button&gt;"</span>; 
97         </li> 
98       </ul> 
99     </div> 
102    <h2>Step 2: Starting the <span class="function">getPasscodeHint</span> function</h2> 
104    <p>We're going to create a new function to handle the hints. You may or may not want a cost when the player asks for a 
105      hint. You may even change your mind later one way or the other. Because of that, we're going to make the first part 
106      flexible. It requires an <span class="keyword">if</span> statement to see in there is a value in <code><span 
107          class="object">passcode</span>.<span class="property">hintCost</span></code>.</p> 
108    <p>We also need to make sure the player has enough points for the hint.</p> 
110    <h4>Let's handle any hint cost issues first</h4> 
112    <div class="flex2"> 
113      <div> 
114        <div class="code"> 
115          <ul> 
116            <li><span class="keyword">function</span> <span class="function">getPasscodeHint</span>()</li> 
117            <li>{ 
118              <ul> 
119                <li><span class="keyword">var</span> text = <span class="string">""</span>;</li> 
120                <li><span class="keyword">if</span> (<span class="object">passcode</span>.<span 
121                    class="property">hintCost</span>) 
122                </li> 
123                <li>{ 
124                  <ul> 
125                    <li> 
126                    <li><span class="comment">//let's make sure the player has the points they need, otherwise we'll let 
127                      them know and exit the function</span></li> 
128                    <li><span class="keyword">if</span> (<span class="object">player</span>.<span 
129                        class="property">score</span> < <span class="object">passcode</span>.<span 
130                        class="property">hintCost</span>) 
131                    </li> 
132                    <li>{ 
133                      <ul> 
134                        <li> 
135                        <li>text += <span class="string">"Sorry, you don't have enough points to buy a hint."</span>;</li> 
136                        <li>text += <span class="string">"&lt;p&gt;Enter the passcode.&lt;/p&gt;"</span>;</li> 
137                        <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">broken</span>(text);</li> 
138                        <li><span class="keyword">return</span>;</li> 
139                      </ul> 
140                    </li> 
141                    <li>}</li> 
142                    <li>&nbsp;</li> 
143                    <li><span class="comment">//okay, let's take points from the player now</span> 
144                    <li>text += <span class="string">"&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;You bought a hint for " + <span class="object">passcode</span>.<span 
145                        class="property">hintCost</span> + " points.&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;"</span>; 
146                    </li> 
147                    <li><span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">score</span> -= <span class="object">passcode</span>.<span 
148                        class="property">hintCost</span>; 
149                    </li> 
150                    <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">score</span>();</li> 
151                  </ul> 
152                </li> 
153                <li>}</li> 
154              </ul> 
155            </li> 
156            <li>&nbsp;</li> 
157            <li><span class="comment">//there's more of this function to come shortly...</span></li> 
158          </ul> 
159        </div> 
162        <p>Again, if you ever decide to get rid of the hint cost, you only need to change the point value back in the 
163          <span 
164              class="function">getPasscode</span> function. All of the <span class="keyword">if</span> checks will handle 
165          the change automatically so you don't ever have to remove it!</p> 
166      </div> 
167      <div class=""> 
168        <figure><img src="/roomadventure/screenimages/hintbutton02nopoints.png" alt="Can't buy a hint."> 
169          <figcaption>Can't buy a hint.</figcaption> 
170        </figure> 
171      </div> 
173    </div> 
175    <h2>Step 3: Making hints</h2> 
176    <p>You have a choice. You can have just one standard hint or you can make a few. It's up to you and I'll show you both 
177      ways.</p> 
179    <p>This is essentially the same process as in the text version of this feature, with a couple of exception. Instead of 
180      <span class="function">alert</span>, we'll use our <span class="object">display</span> object. We don't have a <span 
181          class="keyword">while</span> loop in our HTML version. And we can add some HTML formatting to the text so it 
182      looks nicer.</p> 
185    <h3>Offering a single hint</h3> 
186    <div class="flex2"> 
187      <div> 
188        <p>If you only want to have one hint to offer, then you could do something like this. I still made it sort of a 
189          puzzle for the player, but you can be more direct if you want.</p> 
191        <div class="code"> 
192          <ul> 
193            <li> 
194              <ul> 
195                <li><span class="keyword">var</span> hint = <span class="string">"In Kindergarten, you learned a song that 
196                  sounds like &lt;em&gt;Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star&lt;/em&gt;"</span>; 
197                </li> 
198                <li>hint += <span class="string">" but it's about something being in a specific order."</span>; 
199                </li> 
200                <li>hint += <span class="string">" Your clues have code words that should be put in that same 
201                  order."</span>; 
202                </li> 
203                <li>hint += <span class="string">"&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Enter the 
204                  passcode.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;"</span>; 
205                </li> 
206                <li>text += hint;</li> 
207                <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">broken</span>(text);</li> 
208              </ul> 
209            </li> 
210            <li>} <span class="comment">//this closes the function</span></li> 
211          </ul> 
212        </div> 
214        <p>That does it for the single hint. You're all finished with this feature. But maybe add some style! <a href="#skip4">See below.</a></p> 
215      </div> 
216      <div class=""> 
217        <figure><img src="/roomadventure/screenimages/hintbutton03singlehint.png" alt="One hint option"> 
218          <figcaption>One hint option</figcaption> 
219        </figure> 
220      </div> 
222    </div> 
224    <h3>Offering several hints</h3> 
225    <p>In the interest of expanding your coding knowledge and practice, let's create multiple hints. I'm going to create a 
226      set of hints in an array and then randomly pick a hint each time the player asks for one. This means the player 
227      could be unlucky and get the same hint more than once (unless we control for that) but I think that makes it more 
228      interesting.</p> 
231    <h4>Leaving an unfinished function</h4> 
232    <p>We're going to jump out of the <span class="function">getPasscodeGuess</span> function for a few minutes. You might 
233      get some errors showing up, but we'll fix them.</p> 
236    <h4>Updating getPasscode() [top]</h4> 
237    <p>At the top of the function, we recreate the <span class="object">passcode</span> object. Now, ever though we can 
238      create new properties on the fly by just assigning them, it's better practice to show that we intend to do so if we 
239      can.</p> 
241    <p>For good code readability, let's add a <span class="property">hints</span> property to the <span class="object">passcode</span> 
242      object. And here, we'll set the cost for the hint, which you could make <code>0</code> if you don't want a cost.</p> 
244    <div class="code"> 
245      <ul> 
246        <li>passcode =</li> 
247        <li>{ 
248          <ul> 
249            <li><span class="property">reward</span>: 100,</li> 
250            <li><span class="property">penalty</span>: 25,</li> 
251            <li><span class="property">exitCode</span>: <span class="string">""</span>,</li> 
252            <li><span class="property">codes</span>: [],</li> 
253            <li><span class="property">rooms</span>: []<strong>, <span class="comment">//remember the comma 
254              here</span></strong></li> 
255            <li><strong><span class="property">hints</span>: [], <span class="comment">&nbsp;//add this</span> </strong> 
256            </li> 
257            <li><strong><span class="property">hintCost</span>: 5</strong></li> 
258          </ul> 
259        </li> 
260        <li>};</li> 
261      </ul> 
262    </div> 
265    <h4>Updating getPasscode() [bottom]</h4> 
266    <p>When we make the clues for the player and the passcode, let's also call for the hints to be created.</p> 
267    <p>To make it easy to find where to put this, go to the very bottom of the <span class="function">getPasscode</span> 
268      function.</p> 
270    <div class="code"> 
271      <ul> 
272        <li> 
273          <ul> 
274            <li><span class="object">passcode</span>.<span class="property=">hints</span> = <span class="function">makePasscodeHints</span>(passcode); 
275              <span 
276                  class="comment">//new</span> 
277            </li> 
278            <li><span class="keyword">return</span>; <span class="comment">//already there</span></li> 
279          </ul> 
280        </li> 
281      </ul> 
282    </div> 
284    <h4>Creating the makePasscodeHints() function</h4> 
285    <p>We made a global set of hints. Now we'll copy that set so we can use it without making changes to the original 
286      set.</p> 
288    <div class="code"> 
289      <ul> 
290        <li><span class="keyword">function</span> <span class="function">makePasscodeHints</span>(passcode)</li> 
291        <li>{ 
292          <ul> 
293            <li><span class="keyword">var</span> hints = [];</li> 
294            <li>hints.<span class="function">push</span>(<span class="string">"<em>Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star</em> 
295              sounds like another song you learned in Kindergarten that reminds us of a certain order."</span>); 
296            </li> 
297            <li>hints.<span class="function">push</span>(<span class="string">"A group of animals had a race. The aardvark 
298              finished first. The bunny was second. The cat was a purrfect third. The dog defended fourth. The elephant 
299              was fifth."</span>); 
300            </li> 
301            <li>hints.<span class="function">push</span>(<span class="string">"Two friends were at the zoo. Rodger went 
302              and FED the horses, but he did it wrong. Instead, his buddy STU did it right."</span>); 
303            </li> 
304            <li>&nbsp;</li> 
305            <li><span class="comment">//How about some really helpful hints?</span></li> 
306            <li><span class="keyword">var</span> exitCode = <span class="object">passcode</span>.<span 
307                class="property">exitCode</span>; 
308            </li> 
309            <li><span class="keyword">for</span> (<span class="keyword">var</span> i = 0; i < exitCode.<span 
310                class="property">exitCode</span>.<span 
311                class="property">length</span>; i += 3) 
312            </li> 
313            <li>{ 
314              <ul> 
315                <li><span class="keyword">var</span> index = <span class="object">Math</span>.<span 
316                    class="function">floor</span>(<span 
317                    class="object">Math</span>.<span class="function">random</span>() * exitCode.<span 
318                    class="property">length</span>); 
319                </li> 
320                <li>hints.<span class="function">push</span>(<span class="string">"Passcode digit #"</span> + (index + 1) 
321                  + <span class="string">" is "</span> + exitCode.<span class="function">substring</span>(index, 1)); 
322                </li> 
323              </ul> 
324            </li> 
325            <li>}</li> 
326            <li><span class="keyword">return</span> hints;</li> 
327          </ul> 
328        </li> 
329        <li>}</li> 
330      </ul> 
331    </div> 
334    <h4>Finishing the getPasscodeGuess function</h4> 
337    <p>We left this function unfinished which is probably showing you some errors. Let's wrap it up finally. We have 
338      everything we need now, so we just need to pick a hint to show.</p> 
340    <p>This goes at the bottom of the <span class="function">getPasscodeGuess</span> function we were creating.</p> 
341    <div class="flex2"> 
342      <div> 
343        <div class="code"> 
344          <ul> 
345            <li> 
346              <ul> 
347                <li><span class="comment">//make a copy of the global hints so we don't alter them accidentally</span> 
348                </li> 
349                <li><span class="keyword">var</span> hints = <span class="object">passcode</span>.<span class="property">hints</span>.<span 
350                    class="function">slice</span>(); 
351                </li> 
352                <li>&nbsp;</li> 
353                <li><span class="comment">//now let's pick a hint</span></li> 
354                <li><span class="keyword">var</span> hintNumber = <span class="object">Math</span>.<span 
355                    class="function">floor</span>(<span 
356                    class="object">Math</span>.<span class="function">random</span>() * hints.<span 
357                    class="property">length</span>); 
358                </li> 
359                <li><span class="keyword">var</span> hint = <span class="string">"Hint #"</span> + (hintNumber + 1) + 
360                  <span 
361                      class="string">" of "</span> + hints.<span class="property">length</span> + <span class="string">": 
362                    "</span>; 
363                </li> 
364                <li>hint += hints[hintNumber];</li> 
365                <li>hint += <span class="string">"&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Enter the 
366                  passcode.&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;"</span>; 
367                </li> 
368                <li>text += hint;</li> 
369                <li><span class="object">display</span>.<span class="function">broken</span>(text);</li> 
370                <li>&nbsp;</li> 
371                <li><span class="comment">//if you want to remove the hint from the list, add this</span></li> 
372                <li><span class="comment">//note: the list of hints will be reset if the player guesses wrong and tries 
373                  again</span> 
374                </li> 
375                <li>hints.<span class="function">splice</span>(hintNumber, 1);</li> 
376              </ul> 
377            </li> 
378            <li>} <span class="comment">//this closes the function</span></li> 
379          </ul> 
380        </div> 
381      </div> 
382      <div class=""> 
383        <figure><img src="/roomadventure/screenimages/hintbutton04multihint.png" alt="Multiple hints option"> 
384          <figcaption>Multiple hints option</figcaption> 
385        </figure> 
386      </div> 
387    </div> 
389    <h2 id="skip4">Step 4: Styling the new hint button</h2> 
390    <p>This is optional, but why not add some hint button flair? Feel free to style the button however you like.</p> 
391    <p>Remember, because the hint button is inside the navigation pane, we have to target it through inheritance.</p> 
393    <div class="code"> 
394      <ul> 
395        <li>#<span class="function">navigation</span> #<span class="function">hintButton</span> { 
396          <ul> 
397            <li><span class="property">color</span>: #2f2475;</li> 
398            <li><span class="property">background-color</span>: orange;</li> 
399            <li><span class="property">width</span>: auto;</li> 
400            <li><span class="property">height</span>: auto;</li> 
401            <li><span class="property">padding</span>: 8px;</li> 
402            <li><span class="property">border-radius</span>: 15px;</li> 
403            <li><span class="property">border-style</span>: inset;</li> 
404          </ul> 
405        </li> 
406        <li>}</li> 
407      </ul> 
408    </div> 
410    <p>That was a lot of pieces to add multiple hints, but it will enrich the game even more, especially if you get 
411      creative with your hints or change the format of the game.</p> 
414    <h2>Happy Coding!</h2> 
415    <h2>&mdash;Dr. Wolf</h2> 
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