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6      <title>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</title> 
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15     <h1>The Room Adventure: Additional Features</h1> 
16     <h2>Asking the Player for a Name: Text Version</h2> 
17     <h4>Difficulty: &#9733;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;</h4> 
18     <h4><em>Requirement: Basic game</em></h4> 
20     <div class="flex-container"> 
21       <div> 
22         <p>You can have the player include their name in the game. Then add some references to it throughout. This can 
23           help bring a player into the experience.</p> 
25         <h2>What we need to do</h2> 
27         <ul> 
28           <li>We need to have a place for the player to get a name.</li> 
29           <li>We need to update the game text to make use of the name.</li> 
30         </ul> 
31       </div> 
32       <div class="imgwrapper"><br><img src="/roomadventure/screenimages/getplayernameprompt.png"></div> 
33     </div> 
36     <h3>Step 1</h3> 
37     <p>Go into your <code><span class="function">startGame</span>()</code> function and find the line where we get the 
38       <span class="object">player</span> object. It's near the top of the function.</p> 
39     <div class="code"> 
40       <ul> 
41         <li><span class="object">player</span> = <span class="function">getPlayer</span>();</li> 
42       </ul> 
43     </div> 
45     <h3>Step 2</h3> 
46     <p>We're going to use JavaScript's <span class="function">prompt</span> function to ask the player for their name. We 
47       will also include a default value in case they want to use that instead. The default value is an optional argument, 
48       so you could leave it out, but then the dialogues would look a little funny.</p> 
50     <p>Add the new code.</p> 
51     <div class="code" id="step2"> 
52       <ul> 
53         <li><span class="object">player</span> = <span class="function">getPlayer</span>(); <span class="comment">//already 
54           there</span></li> 
55         <li><span class="keyword">var</span> newName = <span class="function">prompt</span>(<span class="string">"What's 
56           your name?"</span>, <span class="string">"Lica"</span>); 
57         </li> 
58         <li><span class="keyword">if</span> (newName)</li> 
59         <li>{ 
60           <ul> 
61             <li><span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">name</span> = newName;</li> 
62           </ul> 
63         </li> 
64         <li>}</li> 
65       </ul> 
66     </div> 
68     <p>We're being a little over-cautious here. The <code><span class="function">getPlayer</span>()</code> function sets 
69       <span class="string">"Lica"</span> as a default name already. We also put <span class="string">"Lica"</span> in the 
70       <span class="function">prompt</span>'s default answer. If the player just hits enter, that's the name that will be 
71       used.</p> 
73     <p>So why bother with the <span class="keyword">if</span> statement? It's just in case the player deletes the name and 
74       leaves the field blank. You could leave out the <span class="keyword">if</span> check and just leave the variable 
75       assignment (<code><span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">name</span> = newName;</code>) if you 
76       prefer.</p> 
78     <p>If you don't want the <span class="keyword">if</span> statement, you could shorten this even further and do this 
79       instead.</p> 
80     <div class="code"> 
81       <ul> 
82         <li><span class="object">player</span> = <span class="function">getPlayer</span>(); <span class="comment">//already 
83           there</span></li> 
84         <li><span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">name</span> = <span 
85             class="function">prompt</span>(<span class="string">"What's your name?"</span>, <span 
86             class="string">"Lica"</span>); 
87         </li> 
88       </ul> 
89     </div> 
91     <h3>Step 3</h3> 
92     <p>Now go through the text strings in your game and add calls to <code><span class="object">player</span>.<span 
93         class="property">name</span></code> wherever you'd like to use the name. We're already inside the <span 
94         class="function">startGame</span> function, so let's make a minor change while we're here.</p> 
96     <p><strong>Be careful.</strong> Remember that <code><span class="object">player</span>.<span 
97         class="property">name</span></code> is a variable and it has to be outside any sets of quotation marks for it to 
98       work. You have to make sure you concatenate correctly. That just means you need to use the plus sign to add the 
99       variable. Look at these generic examples so you see what I'm talking about.</p> 
101    <h4>Syntax Samples</h4> 
102    <div class="code"> 
103      <ul> 
104        <li><span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">name</span> + <span class="string">", how are 
105          you?"</span>; 
106        </li> 
107        <li><span class="string">"That's a really cool hat, "</span> + <span class="object">player</span>.<span 
108            class="property">name</span> + <span class="string">"!"</span>; 
109        </li> 
110        <li><span class="string">"Code name: "</span> + <span class="object">player</span>.<span 
111            class="property">name</span>; 
112        </li> 
113      </ul> 
114    </div> 
115    <p>Pay close attention to the starting and ending quotes in each example. You should see that <code><span 
116        class="object">player</span>.<span 
117        class="property">name</span></code> is never inside the quotes, even in the second example. There, the quotes 
118      open, you have some text, then they close, and <em>then</em> the name is added in, then a new set of quotes opens, 
119      with text, and then closes. It's a lot to look at, so take your time with it.</p> 
121    <p>It's easy to cause a <span class="keyword">Syntax Error</span> by forgetting the plus signs!</p> 
123    <h4>Updating startGame()</h4> 
124    <p>When we first made the game, we told the player what their name was. It's kind of odd to leave it that way. If 
125      someone types in "Kevin" then game says, "You are Kevin...". Um, yeah, I know. So let's make a change.</p> 
127    <div class="code"> 
128      <ul> 
129        <li><span class="comment">//Let's change this line</span></li> 
130        <li>text += <span class="string">"You are "</span> + <span class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">name</span>; 
131        </li> 
132        <li>&nbsp;</li> 
133        <li><span class="comment">//and make it something like this</span></li> 
134        <li>text += <span class="string">"Hello, "</span> + <span class="object">player</span>.<span 
135            class="property">name</span> + <span class="string">". It's a new day"</span>; 
136        </li> 
137      </ul> 
138    </div> 
139    <p>Currently, the next line of the text string says <span class="string">"and you are in a house"</span>. I added the 
140      <span class="string">"It's a new day"</span> part so the sentence would make sense without me having to change 
141      anything else. But it's your game too, go go right ahead and change the text to whatever you want!</p> 
143    <h4>Update some other text strings</h4> 
144    <p>These are just suggestions. Change whatever you want!</p> 
146    <div class="code"> 
147      <ul> 
148        <li><span class="comment">//inside showScore()</span></li> 
149        <li><span class="function">alert</span>(<strong><span class="object">player</span>.<span 
150            class="property">name</span> + <span class="string">"'s Score: "</span></strong> + <span 
151            class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">score</span>); 
152        </li> 
153        <li>&nbsp;</li> 
154        <li><span class="comment">//inside showInventory()</span></li> 
155        <li><span class="keyword">var</span> text = <strong><span class="object">player</span>.<span 
156            class="property">name</span> + <span class="string">"'s Inventory: "</span></strong>; 
157        </li> 
159        <li>&nbsp;</li> 
160        <li><span class="comment">//inside checkPlayAgain()</span></li> 
161        <li><span class="keyword">var</span> text = <span class="string">"Would you like to play again,"</span> + <strong><span 
162            class="object">player</span>.<span class="property">name</span> + <span class="string">"? "</span></strong>; 
163        </li> 
164      </ul> 
165    </div> 
167    <p>Where else would you want to use the player's name?</p> 
170    <h2>Happy Coding!</h2> 
171    <h2>&mdash;Dr. Wolf</h2> 
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