Coding for Kids

Arrays: Splice and Slice

It's easy to add to or remove items from the start of an array with .unshift() and .shift().

It's easy to add to or remove items from the end of an array with .push() and .pop().

But what do you do if you need to add ot remove something from the middle of an array? Well, .splice() has you covered.

What if you just want to copy things from an array? Give .slice() a call.


One of the most useful methods is the splice method. This lets you target any index in the array and remove any number of items from that point. If you want, you can even stick new values in that spot all at once. This is very useful for pulling one item off a list from somewhere inside the list. It's often used with .indexOf() to find that item you're looking to remove.

Unlike many other array methods, splice does change the original array.


Example 1:

In this case, splice goes to index 1, which is "red". It then takes out 2 items, "red" and "yellow" and saves them to a new array called snip. At that spot, it then adds in "gold" and "silver" to the colors array. It could have added more items or it didn't have to add any. It depends on what you need to do.

Example 2:

Here's an example based The Room Adventure. We have an inventory of items. When we use one, we need to remove it from the inventory array. It would work like this.

Normally the inventory wouldn't be declared right before taking something out of it, but you get the idea, right? We can find where the item is located in the array and then use that to splice it out. We aren't limited to removing items from the start (shift) or end (pop) of a list. And notice that we didn't add any items at this point, so splice only has two parameters.


Similar to splice is slice. This starts at an index in the array and returns all elements from that point on to the end or to one element before an ending index if you give one. slice does not alter the original array.

Like other methods that return values, this is often assigned to a variable.


The ending index is optional. If you leave it out, this command returns all elements from the starting index until the end of the array.

Helpful tip: If you need to make a shallow copy of an array, simply use slice from index 0 or array.slice();.


Notice that inventory.slice(2, 4) only returns index elements 2 and 3. It stops copying before index 4.

Slice vs. Splice Comparison:

Here's a quick example to try to illustrate how splice and slice behave differently.

Functionality Comparison:

Method Splice Slice
First parameter Starting index Starting index
Second parameter Number of items to remove
(not index)
Ending index
(not number of items)
stops one element before given index number
If no second parameter given Removes all items to the end of the array Copies all items to the end of the array
Effect on original array Original array is altered Original array is not altered
Return value New array containing items removed from original array New array containing a copy of items between indexes
New items New items can be added to array New items cannot be added to array
When to use You want the array to be changed You don't want the array to be changed
Functionality comparison of array methods: slice versus splice

Always enjoy a good slice of life!

—Dr. Wolf