Coding for Kids


An array is a type of list. It can hold a bunch of items in it. And those items can be any type of variable, object, function, or even other arrays. Arrays are immensely useful, as are the many methods that are predefined for them.

Declaring an Array

Use the let keyword and square brackets [] to declare an array.



As Booleans

In JavaScript, arrays are always considered true, even if they they are empty, [].


To use an array, you often need to use an index. This represents the location of an item inside an array. Use square brackets to access items by index.

Indexes start at zero. So the first item is index 0, not index 1.

let colors = ["blue", "red", "green"];

Element in the colors array "blue" "red" "green" //empty
Index number 0 1 2 3
How to access the element color[0] color[1] color[2] color[3]
Output "blue" "red" "green" undefined
Accessing indexes of an array


There was no item in the numbers list as the fifth index, so it comes back as undefined. That's better than it returning an error, but it pays to be careful not to overshoot your array's size.

Reassigning values inside of an array

You can also change an array item by reassigning the value at a given index. Let's say that test2 tripped up a lots of kids and you decide to give a new test. You can replace the test2 score with the newTest2 score by using the following: scores[1] = newTest2;

Just set the array index you want to change to the new value!

Array length using .length

Coding for Kids Sidenote: Getting the length of an array is extremely useful. We can use it with a for loop in order to access each element in the array, one at a time. This lets us do many possible things, like reformat each element, do some math, display the value, and so on. There's another way to do that, too, by using another array method, .forEach(). We'll get to that in a bit.

When you need to know how many elements are in your array, all you need to do is use the .length property. This returns the number of items in your array up to the last item that is defined. This means that if you have any gaps in your array (undefined spots) those are counted as well. This is just like the .length property of strings.

Example 1:

Example 2:

The testArray example goes like this: We created an empty array [], then we set a value at index 4. Remember that the array starts at index 0, so index 4 is actually the fifth item. Indexes 0, 1, 2, and 3 were never given values, so they're all undefined. But in counting the length of the array, the computer counts all the way up to that fifth spot, which is holding "testing" inside. So it returns a length of 5.

Finding an index in an array using .indexOf(item)

This is similar to the .indexOf() method for strings. You attach this method to an array and pass it something you're looking for. If it finds the item, it returns its index position. If it can't find it, then it returns -1.

Combining arrays into one

This process is called concatenation, like you can do with strings. This creates a new array with the lists joined together, and the original lists remain untouched.



Let's say two friends went Trick-or-Treating for Halloween. They decide to pour all their treats into a single pile. It would go something like this,

Hip, hip, array!

—Dr. Wolf