You may have heard of these before. Yep, they're just like regular numbers. 317
is a number. 42.19
is a number. 0.00034
is a number, and so is 2.33×10-7
. (That last one is in scientific
notation and the computer would show it as 2.33e-7
A number without a decimal is called an integer, or int for short.
A number with a decimal is called a floating-point number, or float for short.
Other computing languages have additional number types, like double precision, signed sbyte and unsigned byte, signed short and unsigned ushort integers, and so on.
To make a number variable, you simply create a variable using let and assign it a numerical value.
In JavaScript, you can use a number in a Boolean check. All numbers are considered to be true, except for zero (0
), which is evaluated as false.
If you have really large or really small numbers, you may need to make use of an exponent as part of scientific
notation. The e
that you see in the molecules example above is one such case. This is Avogadro's number (the number
of parts in one mole of a substance) and it gets interpreted as 6.02214×1023
. In
decimal form, it's: 602,214,000,000,000,000,000,000
. That's a lot of zeros!
Can you see what the 1023 is doing? It's acting as a placeholder, so we don't have to write all those
zeros. If you move that decimal all the way to the left so it's immediately to the right of the 6, you'd have to
move it 23 times. The computer shows this as 6.02214e23
. You may have seen this notation on your
calculator too.
If you had two million dollars, it would be $2,000,000. How many digits are after the 2? There are
6 of them, so this would become $2×106
, which is
in your code.
If the number is really small, we use a negative exponent. The relative mass of a proton is 1 atomic mass unit, but
its mass in kilograms is about 1.67×10-27
. So take that decimal there and move it to
the left 27 times to get: 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001,67
kg. For the computer, we would use
to represent the same thing.
Incidentally, if you do ever have to type in a long number, never use commas. They wouldn't work.
Those numbers above should be: 602214000000000000000000
if you were writing them into your code. (But just use the exponent
versions instead.) Good luck not missing a zero.
Sometimes you have a variable that's a string variable and you need to convert it in the computer to a number, so it can be used for calculations. This commonly happens when we pull information from an input box on a website or a prompt popup. The user might type in a number, but the computer pulls it in as if it's a word (made of digits). For these, we need to parse the string. JavaScript has two ways to do this, depending on whether you want an integer or a float (decimal).
The parse commands in JavaScript will take a string and read it from left to write. It will take any number it sees until it sees a letter or non-number character. Then it stops reading the string. If the first character it sees is a letter, then it can't parse the string and you get NaN (Not a Number). If a number is split with a space, it stops parsing there.
Notice that the parseInt()
function does not round the number. It truncates—or removes, like Math.floor()
—any decimal
it sees. If you run parseInt(99.99999);
you get 99
. (Look at
the Math
object page for rounding.)
This is what you get when you try to parse a string of letters or if you try to do a math operation (aside from +)
on a non-numbered string, like "hi" * 3
. This does not give you "hihihi". The NaN value is an odd one and it's not simple to use. You can't test a variable as NaN by checking like this if (someNumber === NaN)
It doesn't work. There is a special function whose sole purpose is to test
for a value being NaN. It's easy to get the capitalization wrong on it.
Sometimes you want to simplify the appearance of a number. I made use of this on my website a lot. If you have
, for example, it's kind of silly. Why not just put 90000
? JavaScript lets you do this
with the Number()
constructor. You can use it like function. Note:
the N is capital. If the exponent is rather large or small, it will still keep the e
in thereYou can use the .toExponential()
method to convert a value into
scientific notation. This can only be used on a number variable. You can also send a parameter in to control the
number of decimal places to show, properly rounded.
Use .toFixed(number)
to control the number of decimal places.
A significant figure can be thought of as a directly-measured value. There are rules for whether or not a digit is considered significant.
Use .toPrecision(number)
to write a number to a specified
length. If you want an answer to three significant figures, use someNumber.toPrecision(3)
or the value of π which goes on forever. Often, when
using .toPrecision()
, you will get a result with an exponent
) in it. Just wrap it in the Number() function to convert it a standard
Significant figures are used to maintain a certain level of precision in measurements and calculations. For example, if you measure your weight, then you put a sprinkle of salt on your hand, you would say your weight doesn't really change. This is because the scale isn't precise enough to measure grains of salt.
through 9
is significant.0
) are more complicated
or .450
, is significant.
the zero is not significant10.
the zero is significant1000
or 0.0004
, is not
, is not
When adding or subtracting values, add or subtract as normal, then keep the same number of decimal places as the least precise number, rounding properly.
When multiplying or dividing values, multiply or divide as normal, then keep the total number of significant figures as the least precise number, rounding properly.