Coding for Kids


Scope is a larger topic for discussion. This is only a brief overview of the subject, but it should give you an idea of what's going on.

Scope is like talking about what section of a hotel you're in. The hotel itself is a larger scope (let's call it global). Each room is a smaller scope (let's call it local).

Local vs. Global Scope

Everyone who checks into the hotel can use the pool and the restaurant because they are part of the public hotel space. Everyone can take towel from the pool and bring it into their room and use it there, or bring leftovers back to their room from the restaurant. This is the way global scope works.

Variables and functions defined in the global scope can be used by anything throughout the code. Anything can change the values, which can be helpful sometimes but it's usually a cause for problems. Things can get changed without you realizing it (especially if you have a common name for something like length.)

Local scope, going back to our hotel, is like each guest having a room key. Only that guest is allowed to go into the room. (Let's ignore the cleaning staff, ok?) The guest from one room cannot visit a guest from another room. This is how local scope works.

Let's say you create a function. Inside of it, you create a variable. That function is like a room in the hotel. The variable can only be used inside the function. It won't exist outside. (You wouldn't want someone else to have access to your luggage, right?)

If you go deeper, you can have a function inside another function. All variables from the outside can be used inside, but not the other way around. Think of your hotel room. Several guests can stay inside. You go into the bathroom and lock the door. You can read a magazine in there, but no one outside the bathroom can read it. It's a local scope inside a local scope inside the global scope. Whew.

Here's a code example:

Uh oh, this doesn't work! You get:

The sayHi() function can make use of everything from the outside, so it was able to show myHotel, roomNumber, and greeting. But greetGuest can't see what greeting is, so it throws an error. Try commenting out the console.log(greeting); greetGuest function and see what happens.

The program should get a little further. It can complete the greetGuest function, but once it's in the global scope, you no longer have access to roomNumber (or greeting for that matter).

Why global variables should usually be avoided

One of the reasons we can pass parameters in to functions is to keep control over scope. Try this example to see where having global variables can be a problem.

Hey, wait! I didn't think meeting a new person would make me change my first name! This is why we've got to be careful with using global variables.


This makes use of local scope to hide variables from users. In some computing languages, variables can be tagged as public or private. JavaScript doesn’t have that (yet). To work around this, sometimes people create closures to hide and protect variables from being touched. To create a closure, you need to create function inside a function.

This protects the greeting variable from being changed anywhere else in the program. The sayHi function can use it, but that's it.

There's more to understanding how closures really work and what they're best used for. It's an advanced concept.

I'm glad you scoped this out!

—Dr. Wolf