The Quest

Here's a little background. If you've read it already, you can jump right to the game.

Video Games

Dr. Wolf has a passion for role-playing video games that started way back when he played Dragon Warrior on the 8-bit NES.

He loved battling monsters, finding quest items, buying equipment, traveling through dungeons, talking to NPCs to learn about the world, and building up to the final challenge of facing the Dragonlord.

Dragon Warrior (NES)
Dragon Warrior (NES)


Red Jade: Book 1: Journeys in Kallisor
Red Jade: Book 1: Journeys in Kallisor

Dr. Wolf also has a passion for writing. In 2015-2016, he published a four-book fantasy series, Red Jade.

Two kingdoms are at war. One hates magic and the other relies on it. They battle each other for ownership of the other's land. A calamity put a temporary cease to the fighting twenty years ago, but now a mage wants to ensure the fighting never starts again by seeking the shards of the fabled Red Jade.

In February 2019, he released a fifth book, Delminor's Trials, a prequel to the series.

In January 2020, he released a sixth book, Dariak's Shadow, a second prequel to the series.


In addition to all of that, Dr. Wolf has also enjoyed coding. He used to program in BASIC on the Commodore 64. He learned HTML when the internet was new. More recently he learned the basics of C# and now is working to master JavaScript.

He has created many projects, from a caterpillar metamorphosis elementary school project using sprites (it was a big deal at the time) to a program that tracked his family's bowling scores. More recently he made a game in C# called Catch the Culprit. He has since converted the game to JavaScript, and wrote a book about it, so you can learn to the code the whole thing!

Catch the Culprit
Catch the Culprit

He has also made a ton of upgrades on his science website for his students that provide automatic question generators for calculation problems and a Quizzler program so his students can study.

Bringing it all together

Before creating The Room Adventure to teach you how to code, Dr. Wolf was working on another game, Krazzick's Quest.

Krazzick's Quest is based on Dr. Wolf's Red Jade fantasy series and is intended to be a side-tale to the events in the story. Its style is heavily influenced by the 8-bit Dragon Warrior game, as you'll see. Dr. Wolf drew all the image tiles too, except the monsters.

Krazzick's Quest: Picking monsters to battle
Picking monsters to battle
Krazzick's Quest: Picking monsters to battle
Monster stats
Krazzick's Quest: Talking to someone in town
Talking to someone in town
Krazzick's Quest: Battling a swallowmer
Battling a swallowmer and squirret

You are Krazzick and you start inside your hometown. Talk to everyone. You'll get some information and a quest or two. You can go outside and fight to level up and get stronger.

Also in the town, you have the ability to save your game if you talk to a bard. The save file gets stored in the browser's files on the computer you're using with the login you're under, so you have to be logged in the same way to continue where you left off.

The game isn't yet ready for mobile gameplay. You need a mouse and keyboard right now.

The game is still unbalanced in terms of leveling xp, creature strengths, number of side quests, and the like. But the main quest is all set up and ready to be played otherwise.

Let's play Krazzick's Quest!

Click here to open the game in a new tab.

Go out and quest!

—Dr. Wolf