JavaScript Tutorial
Learning to code is exciting. When you master the basics, you can do all sorts of things. You can make websites
that are interactive. You can make small games, like tic-tac-toe and guess my number. You can even
make bigger games as your skills grow.
Why is coding good to learn?
- You learn better problem-solving skills.
- You learn to think more logically.
- Your spelling and punctuation skills improve.
- You can tap into your creative side more easily.
Where do I write my code?
You have lots of options available to you across the vast internet and on your own computer. Here are two of my
What's the best way to learn?
If you're just diving in, this is my suggested order. The navigation buttons follow this process. If you're
learning JavaScript another way, like creating the Room Adventure game,
you'll learn these concepts in a different order that allows you to build the game.
- As with most things: practice, practice, practice.
- Start by looking over and practicing basic punctuation.
- Every computer language has its own nuances in how you have to write code.
- It's just like learning a spoken language, like German, Spanish, or Italian. They're all different.
- Dig into variables next.
- You can't do much in a program without variables.
- Variables let your program adapt to situations.
- Look at logical operators and conditions next.
- These allow your program to make decisions.
- Loops come after that.
- These are important for when your program needs to repeat actions over and over.
- Learn about objects.
- These are special variables that hold lots of information.
- They can organize your other variables well.
- Follow up with functions.
- These are small chunks of code that be be used over and over in your program.
I put this site together as a reference for many programming concepts in JavaScript. There is a lot more you can do
that I may not get into. This isn't intended as a definitive guide, but it's more than enough to get you started on
some major projects.
Happy Coding!
—Dr. Wolf